
Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Comforter and Defender

"How often I have wanted to gather your children together 
as a hen protects her chicks beneath her wings."
~Matthew 23:37 

Do not say, "I'll pay you back for this wrong!" 
Wait for the LORD, and he will avenge you. 
~Proverbs 20:22

When I was perhaps seven years old, my extended family reunioned. It’s the only large family gathering I can remember. Not that I remember much. The green pool-table-esque hotel carpet, the glass-enclosed swimming area with super-cool sauna (adult supervision only), the me-sized jar of Chupa-Chups I’d won from the white elephant exchange, and Bully cousin.

I can’t even remember his name (all for the best), nor his relation to me, but I do remember he was slightly older, slightly larger, slightly smarter. And he knew it. My parents had to pull us both away from our chess game when I’d burst into tears after accidentally endangering my queen. As Bully cousin’s knight shoved her out of play, he’d taunted, “Wow! What a stupid move. I can’t believe you were dumb enough to put your queen there.”

But I had other cousins. Darren and Dustin had adventured with me since before I can remember. Slightly older, larger, smarter than Bully cousin, they made me feel safe as we explored the hotel.

At the pool, the three of us waded and laughed, my bright orange water wings bobbing uselessly as I bounced around the shallow end. Bully came in, splashing water in my face. I coughed.

“Come on, Bully,” scolded Darren, “play nice.”

“Alright, fine,” Bully answered surlily. “In fact, you’re right. I’ve been quite mean to Elizabeth. So I’ll let her push me in the deep end.”

“Ok. Fine,” said Dustin slowly.

Darren and Dustin treaded in the terrifyingly blue water as Bully moved to face the edge and I stepped behind him. I lifted my hands and leaned forward to push. Grinning, Bully twisted and grabbed my wrists, flinging my little body into the deepest water I’d ever been in. I screamed, swallowed water, coughed, cried.

My security team didn’t waste a moment. Dustin immediately pushed me to the side of the pool and helped me out. He carried me into the sauna and let me cry away my fear and chlorination into the steaming air. Peering through a sauna window blurred by condensation and my own tears, I watched Darren sprinting over the “Do Not Run” sign. He caught Bully and yanked him into the deep end. Bully spluttered and flailed, eventually grabbing the pool wall. He got out and stampeded back to his parents’ room.

He never bothered me again.


I love this picture of God's two roles. When Satan attacks us, accusing us of wrong, God is there, with an avenging sword and a consoling shoulder. We desperately need both.

Thank you, Darren and Dustin. And thank you, Dennis and Terry, for raising your sons to reflect God well!

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